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Keep it Clean 2024
Product Advisory Webinar

Keep it Clean is hosting a webinar on April 25, 2024 that will provide an overview of the product and crop combinations that may cause market risks for the 2024 growing season.

Tip #1: Use Acceptable Pesticides Only

Only apply pesticides that are both registered for use on
your crop in Canada and won’t create trade concerns.

Tip #2: Always Read
and Follow the Label

Before you apply any crop protection product,
read the label to find the application rate,
timing and pre-harvest interval (PHI). 

Tip #3: Manage
Disease Pressures

An integrated disease management plan is
important to maintain yield and profitability.
Learn how to manage diseases like blackleg
in canola and fusarium head blight (FHB) in cereals.

Tip #4: Store Your
Crop Properly

Proper storage helps to maintain crop
quality and keeps the bulk free of harmful

Tip #5: Deliver
What You Declare

The Declaration of Eligibility affidavit 
is a legally binding document and
individuals can be held liable for the
costs associated with contamination
of a bin or shipment.

5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Crops Ready for Market

TIP#1 | Use Acceptable Pesticides Only

Only apply pesticides that are both registered for use on your crop in Canada, are acceptable to both domestic and export customers, and won’t create trade concerns.

TIP#2 | Always Read and Follow the Label

Always follow the label for application rate, timing and pre-harvest interval (PHI). Applying pesticides or desiccants without following the label directions is illegal and may result in unacceptable residues.

TIP#3 | Manage Disease Pressures

An integrated disease management plan is important to maintain yield and profitability and can help protect Canada’s reputation as a supplier of high-quality canola, cereals and pulses.

TIP#4 | store your crop properly

Proper storage helps to maintain crop quality and keeps the bulk free of harmful cross-contaminants.

TIP#5 | deliver what you declare

The Declaration of Eligibility affidavit is a legal assertion that your crop is the variety and/or class you have designated and it was not treated with the crop input products specified in the declaration.


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Tools & Resources to Grow Market-Ready Crops

Pre-Harvest Glyphosate Staging Guide

An illustrated guide to help manage pre-harvest application of glyphosate and determine when grain moisture content is less than 30% in the least mature part of the field.

Product Advisory

A list of crop protection products which may create market risk when used on some crops and steps to mitigate risk.

Interval Calculator

An interactive tool to find a pesticide to suit your application timeline or to calculate pre-harvest interval (PHI) – the number of days to wait after product application before swathing or straight-cutting the crop.


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